Hey Mama …

9 May


Each year in the beginning of May we celebrate the importance and love of all mother’s in this world.  For me, mother’s day takes on a greater significance as mine is a pillar of strength, love , and perseverance.  She has been a single/divorced mom of 4 boys, a 2x cancer survivor, an immigrant, and someone who has had more than her fair share of trials and tribulations.  Each step along the way she has been our rock and biggest supporter perhaps even to a fault.  I truly can’t think of a stronger person with that kind of inner strength. All of the sacrifices that she has made for us, just so that my brothers and I would have a better life than she has had.

Let me reiterate I don’t know too many people who can start fresh in a new country, beat cancer twice, go through a divorce, deal with a dead beat father, raise 4 boys, go back to college in her early 40’s, and still come out a winner!

That withstanding, my brothers have not always made things easy for her neither. As 2 of my brothers have strayed into different sorts of trouble often and have made some terrible life decisions. Yet, she still loves them with an unwavering and steadfast spirit.  Don’t get me wrong, she and I often bump heads as we see the world differently and have strong views and approaches to life.  Despite our differences, I know she means well and her actions come from a place of love.

She  is literally my hero in reality and a lesser person would have folded under her circumstances.  I would be nothing without her unyielding support and love.  Every bit of who I am today and successes I may have tomorrow will be directly attributed to her efforts.  She is a queen who has never had a “day off”, I just pray that one day I may develop the inner strength and resolve that she has.  In my eyes she is the greatest woman and you can’t tell me nothing! Without her I would be lost, with her I am great!

Mommy I love you and thank you!

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